
Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt

Pacattoasa - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


29 ani

just a bad devil with an angel faceevil

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Elacris - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


29 ani

nu raspund decat Fetelor!Fete

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Alexa_bucur - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


28 ani

o persoana normala cu bune si relebune

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Danutzadana - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


30 ani

i sa retraim realitatea. noua ani de asteptari, de vise si de sperante pana candani

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Gloria11 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


26 ani

si aventuri amoroase cu femei singure. singure

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Petrapetra - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


33 ani

le, lucrul cu croseta, muzica-Populara, usoara, clasica. Pop

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Dmarcela1997com - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


36 ani

sunt aici pentru Fete eventual cupluri cu ea bi si el heteroFete

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Prin - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


33 ani

a ma accepte asa cum sunt, cu bune si mai putin bunebune

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Cdddd - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


35 ani

t minciuna, ipocrizia si badarania. imi plac lucrurile simple, cu bun gust si frani

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Pisica68 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


40 ani

t in stare sa fie fideli unei singure persoane si egoisti. sunt pasionata de fotsingure

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Klyko - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


32 ani

Populara, vesela, energika, s tabilaPop

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Bekegeta - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


34 ani

ai taia orice lucru are doua Fete" "am invatat ca atunci cand sunt suparat am dFete

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Baby_flori - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


35 ani

n instinctele tale. relatiile bune te fac sa te simti bine. si nu este vorba doabune

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Angelinor - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


30 ani

atoriile, plimbarile imi plac animalele, in mod deosebit cainii. sunt sufletistaani

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Anacalina - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


36 ani

teasca intr-o relatie in care singurele reguli sa fie cele ale bunului simt. singure

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Energie_vie - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


26 ani

m gasit-o, cautarea a fost un Popas. , Popasul a devenit un zid. pluteste drept Pop

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Stana - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


39 ani

ta, amuzanta. precum oricarei Fete, imi plac comediile romantice si sunt o romanFete

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Annammaria89 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


42 ani

adica inzestrat cu toate cele bune, dar si cele rele. viata este compusa doar dibune

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Ica57eu - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


34 ani

serioasa, iubesc animalele si tot ce e de calitateani

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Matei_iulia - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


35 ani

sunt o persoana serioasa, iubitoare de tot ce inseamna frumos, calma dar in acel

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Scumpika27 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


38 ani

sincera. spontana. corecta.

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Esmer_ - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


27 ani

sunt un om sincer, educata, frumoasa, inteligenta.

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Claudia_13 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


37 ani

o fiinta romantica

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Panaitalexandra - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


32 ani

i am a serious girl and i do not play games. i am an active and sociable girl. i

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Mihaela094 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


29 ani

echilibrata si altruista

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Amiauski - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


29 ani

sunt casatorita sy am 3 fetite

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Emis - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


35 ani

un om poate dobandi orice in singuratate cu exceptia caracterului, stendhal

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Caty_42 - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


38 ani

rebela, sincera putin pretentioasa in unele lucruri, credincioasa, miloasa buna

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Coral - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


39 ani

o fata fara capricii

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Luci_cris - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


30 ani

un om interesant

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El0ise - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


34 ani

sociabila, cu simtl aventurii, ii place dreptatea

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Iulia_a - Pop evil trenches lyrics - Fete bune 15 ani singure neamt


35 ani

cu defecte si calitati

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