
Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics

Amiauski - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


29 ani

sunt casatorita sy am 3 fetitefetite

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Marias - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


40 ani

mblati dupa averi si bani, aceiasi rugaminte! as prefera sa fiti din iasi si diniasi

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Lourdes - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


39 ani

de catre cei cu care interactionez. one

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Catalyna - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


35 ani

de-ti sa luam legatura! yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a visday

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Edina - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


30 ani

t vedea toate mesajele. coryy_WwwWww

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Corinamaria1000 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


41 ani

pentru a gasi un barbat cu aceiasi dorinta. de a alunga singuratatea apasatoare iasi

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Emilia34 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


37 ani

sunt o femeie sincera onesta nu suport minciuna vesela a-mi plac lucrurile simplone

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Nicoletaa - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


37 ani

est anyway. the good you do today, will often be forgotten. do good anyway. in tday

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Narcisais - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


30 ani

r, nu vom mai fi niciodata aceiasi. dragostea e speranta si fara speranta lumea iasi

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Marya_60 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


35 ani

rsoana romantica, calduroasa, onesta si doresc sa gasesc un partener cu care sa one

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Alina_071181 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


39 ani

someday i will be happyday

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Mariabogatu - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


40 ani

, sunt din orasul hirlau, jud iasi, imi place sa-mi fac prieteni, sunt sociabilaiasi

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Marinna222 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


36 ani

tasez de obiecte si nu colectionez. one

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Natalia03 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


37 ani

thought is that some of best days of our lives have not happened yetday

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Marianadalia - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


40 ani

sa fie doar ea, la masa aceluiasi hol ruginit, cand nimeni nu cere raspunsul priasi

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Preeteabese - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


39 ani

ni noi, interesanti, sa relationez si mai ales sa traiesc clipa! restul e misterone

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Casiana3 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


38 ani

, i bake house bread, for holidays, i bake pie! the list of my interests and hobday

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Marga77 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


34 ani

se din tara bucuresti brasov, iasi, etc. sau romani seriosi plecati in strainataiasi

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Sufletica - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


38 ani

ments her. a man that spends money on her and a man that invests in her. a man tone

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Roxana89 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


39 ani

incerc sa ma rup de tot ce simt, dar nu pot pentru ca inevitabil gandul imi fuge

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Cerutza - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


33 ani

un om normal in lumea asta, asa cum este ea

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Georgiana1984 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


29 ani

respect, onestitate, intelegere, daruire

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Neli33 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


30 ani

prezenta placuta, doresc sa cunosc un om sincer, serios in vederea unei relatii

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Mela_73 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


28 ani

imi place dragostea si vreau sa te gasesc.

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Vall69 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


28 ani

ce sa zic?sunt eu si cam atat. restul. sa descopere ceilalti. ! ce as putea sa s

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Ileana77 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


33 ani

nimic fascinant

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Ionescugabi - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


37 ani

caut o persoana calda si onesta

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Carissa - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


39 ani

sint un om normal. cu vise si sperante.

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Green33 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


26 ani

sunt o persoana vesela si increzatoare

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Sexymarina - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


42 ani

roscata, ochi verzi si cam atat

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Bebelusa87 - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


34 ani

god has not yet done writing the best love story for you! dumnezeu nu a terminat

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Ely - Www fetite de iasi - Asaf avidan - one day lyrics


33 ani

ziua de ieri a trecut, ziua de maine inca nu a sosit inca. nu avem la dispozitie

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